
Did you know that Longbridge is also a lender? We always offer competitive rates for our existing customers.

Servicing Questions?
Refinancing Questions?
To find out about refinancing, please call our sales specialists at 855-849-3012 or write
To access your account information online:
If you experience issues using or logging into the website, please call 855-973-0397 or email
Online servicing provides everything you need to easily manage your reverse mortgage loan, including:
- Loan summary details
- Recent transactions and statements
- Request forms, including Occupancy and Draw Requests
- Answers to the most common loan servicing questions
Information about a loan called Due and Payable:
When a Reverse Mortgage loan is called due or in default for non-payment of property charges, the following options are generally available; all of them (other than paying the debt in full) must adhere to HUD guidelines:
- Full debt payment
- Property sale
- Property purchase (if the borrower(s) is/are deceased)
- Tax and/or insurance reinstatement
- Deed in lieu of foreclosure
To discuss any of these options, please call our Borrower Care Team at 866-970-3233,
Monday-Thursday from 8am-8pm EST and Friday from 8am-5pm EST.
Please click the link below if you’re looking to learn about your state’s Homeowner’s Assistance Funds (HAF) program and requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Borrower Care team members who speak English or Spanish can be reached at 866-654-0020. Additionally, we have established a relationship with a third-party interpreter service, Language Line Services (LLS). LLS is an over-the-phone interpretation service that assists customers who request a translation of any communication in a language other than English. Call us at 866-654-0020 and we will connect an LLS agent to translate the call. For New York City borrowers, a translation and description of commonly used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs website:
If your loan has an established line of credit, you may request funds from your Line of Credit by logging into this website where you can request an advance securely online. Otherwise, you may fax or mail a request using the fax number or mailing address on the LOC form provided to you with your monthly account statement. All requests for funds will be validated and, provided funds are available and the request is approved, we will disburse the funds to you within 5 business days of receipt.
Upon receipt and validation of your request for funds, a payment will be processed via ACH (if EFT/Direct Deposit has been established) or mailed within five (5) business days of receipt. We encourage you to setup EFT/Direct Deposit for the fastest and safest delivery method of your funds. It’s simple – just complete the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) / Direct Deposit Agreement (login to your account to get this form).
If your loan is in an Active status and is otherwise eligible, you may obtain a Payoff Quote instantaneously by logging into this website. Otherwise, a borrower or their authorized representative (i.e., Attorney-in-Fact, Guardian or Conservator) may request a payoff using the Request for Reverse Mortgage Payoff Quote Form and send the form, signed by the borrower or their authorized representative, to the email address, fax number or mailing address on the form.
NOTE: The outstanding balance on your monthly statement is not sufficient to pay your loan off in full. Please submit the Request for Reverse Mortgage Payoff Quote Form if you intend to pay the loan in full and close the account.
Please be advised that if payment is received in full, the loan and any line of credit (if applicable) will be permanently closed. If it is not your intention to close the loan and any line of credit, a positive unpaid loan balance must be maintained AND you must indicate with your prepayment that the loan is to remain open and not be paid in full and closed – include your intent with your check or in wire comments. If you are attempting to pay down the loan balance without closing the loan, the amount of your prepayment should be less than the Current Unpaid Balance shown on your most recent statement.
You will receive a monthly statement of the activity on your reverse mortgage. You may OPT IN to paperless statements by logging into this website and selecting the paperless option. If you go paperless, you will receive an email each month when your statement is ready. If you choose not to opt in to paperless statements, a statement will be mailed to you, early in the following month. Please allow for mailing time – it can take an additional 7 days for you to receive your statement in the mail.
To establish or change direct deposit information, the following are required:
- A completed and signed (by all borrowers) Electronic Funds Transfer/Direct Deposit Agreement (login to your account to get this form).
- Include a voided check, or a bank statement that provides the full routing number and full account number (image acceptable), or a letter signed by the financial institution on their letterhead confirming the deposit account routing number and account number.
- A personal or Trust checking or savings account may be used but a business account may NOT be used, even if a borrower’s name appears on the account. Note: The Trust must be approved and on file with us.
- If there is/are additional person(s) named or authorized on the deposit account, the signature(s) on the Electronic Funds Transfer/Direct Deposit Agreement gives consent to deposit funds from the reverse mortgage loan to the account, and by signing the Agreement borrowers understand that anyone else on their bank account will have access to any funds deposited.
We cannot accept Deposit slips or Counter checks (checks that are not imprinted with the account holder’s name).
If there are two or more borrowers on the loan, we can accept an account that names only one borrower if all borrowers have signed the Agreement.
When updating or adding a bank account, the account cannot be used to receive funds for at least 14 calendar days following processing and validation.